Wednesday, December 23, 2015


1. Prologue: Gandhi’s Creed


2. The Lighthouse and the Lantern

“Thomas Merton. “The Night Spirit and the Dawn Air.” In New Blackfriars V. 46 N. 543, September 1965.”


3. Surrender and Spiritual Hunger

Stephen Mitchell. A Book of Psalms: Selected and Adapted from the Hebrew. Harper Perennial, 1994.

Yes, (progressive rock band) song named “Awaken” from the CD Going for the One. Atlantic Records, 1977. See also

Doreen Virtue. How to Hear Your Angels. Hay House 2007.”


4. Are Quakers Christians, and Does it Matter?

Margaret P. Abbott. Christianity and the Inner Life. Pendle Hill Pamphlet 402, 2009.
See also John Macmurray. The Philosophy of Jesus. Friends Home Service Committee, London, 1973.
See also Wilmer Cooper. The Gospel According to Friends. Friends United Press, 1986.
The Journal of John Woolman, published posthumously in 1774; see

Robert Barclay’s Apology for the true Christian divinity. See

Second epistle to Timothy 2:14.

Thich Nhat Hahn, Living Buddha, Living Christ. Riverhead Books, 1995.

Robert Vogel in Friends Journal, March 1993, p. 18. See also Rufus M. Jones. The Quaker’s Faith (pamphlet). New England Yearly Meeting of Friends, 1960.”


5. Why Worship?

John Punshon, Encounter with Silence: Reflections from the Quaker Tradition. Friends United Press 1987. See also Robert L. Smith, ed. A Quaker Book of Wisdom. Harper Collins, 1999.


6. Quakers and Peace

Gospel of St. Matthew 25:40.





7. Agnostic Gnostics?



8. Integration of our Spiritual Lives

Baltimore Yearly Meeting. Faith and Practice. Query 5, Personal Way of Life.


9. The Dearest Sibling of the Thunder Storm


10. Gratitude, Service, Responsibility



11. America as a Quaker Society

Henry Seidel Canby, “Quakers and Puritans.” in Saturday Review of Literature 1/2/1926 pp. 457-9. Quoted in Howard H. Brinton, Quaker Journals. Pendle Hill, 1972.



12. But Wait! Some of this is Real.


13. Where do we Come From?




14. How can I Lead?


15. Quaker Process


16. Word, Deed, and Prayer


17. A Paragraph about a Lecture about Heaven


18. Atheist Christians?


19. Being Light and Love


20. Ubuuntu


21. Starting Young


22. It’s Here; Heaven is Here!


23. Quakerism as Art


24. When a War Begins, the Peace Witness Does not End


25. Redefining “Christian”


26. The Continuing Revelation


27. Meaning-seeking Creatures


28. My Basic Prayer


29. On Being Present


30. On Feeling Connected


31. Knowing Truth


32. Cherry Trees in History


33. Living with a Soft Heart


34. On Constructive and Prophetic Service


35. Dealing with “Difficult” People


36. The Parting of the Seas


37. About The Challenge of the Closed Door


38. Blessing for Nicholas


39. The Way of Growth


40. A Reason to Clench your Fist


41. On Prayer and Love


42. The SPICES of Life


43. What is Love?


44. Life is a purposeful experience!


45. What do we Believe?


46. The Message of Abraham


47. How tall are you?


48. Another Take on Jesus’ Message


49. It's all about Geometry


50. Singing Meat?


51. If You’re Not Really Upset by All of This...

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